“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven,” says the writer of Ecclesiastes.

There are times for planting and harvesting; resting and working; giving birth and dying; weeping and laughing; saving and giving. One of the joys of being a church family is that we walk with one another, not only through the seasons of the church year like Advent, Lent, Christmas, and Easter, but also the seasons of our lives. In our times of transition, celebration, and sorrow, we rely on each other and on the promises of God to sustain us.

Our stewardship effort this fall will celebrate the faithfulness of God in all the seasons of our lives. We’re delighted to look ahead to where we hope our church will be in 2025: 

  • a season of planting with children, youth, and Jubilee ministries

  • a season of celebration with the music of a restored organ

  • a season of liberation from mortgage debt so we can concentrate on the future

  • a season of growth with new Americans among us

We hope you’ll join us for worship that inspires us to give generously in this season so that we may share God’s faithful love with our community in all seasons.

We will have a Stewardship Kick-off event on Sunday October 6th, at 4:00pm in Great Hall. We plan for Celebration Sunday on October 27 to include returning our estimate of giving cards, which you'll receive in the mail soon. You may also return your card to our office, call 812.332.6396, or fill out the confidential online form.


Matthew McKinney: Stewardship Chair

“Over this past year my entire family has been blessed by FUMCB's children’s ministries; my wife and I love that our children are growing up in such an open and inclusive environment. We have loved seeing our children make friends from around the world through the East African ministries. Personally I have also grown in faith through the church’s teachings and my participation in a small group.”

Ellyn Pruitt: Social Justice Team

“I've found joy in the changes in the expression of worship and in our intergenerational and multicultural engagement. It's a blessing to be a part of a growing and changing Tech Team where young people have led in the tech booth for various worship services. Being in fellowship with our East African siblings has heightened my sense of family and connection. I look forward to seeing how we continue to make room for all and build a more inclusive church through our hospitality and our witness.”

Clint Merkel: Outreach Team

“God has blessed me with the smiles of others over the past year. I feel like the East African ministry is entering a new phase, which will challenge us and our church in new ways, but the smiles the ministry has produced gives me hope. This ministry has sustained me through a rough professional patch. It might not seem that being pressed to work hard is a sign of generosity, but that is a lesson God has helped me to learn.”

First Methodist’s 2025 Budget

We’re proposing a budget of $1,534,000, which is a 6% increase over 2024. However, we relied upon one-time extravagant gifts and cash reserves to meet 2024 expenses. That means we will need a 20% increase in pledges to reach a balanced budget for 2025 without relying upon one-time extravagant gifts and cash reserves. We hope you’ll pray about making or increasing your household’s estimate of giving for 2025.

An extravagant gift is a one-time, over-and-above contribution to our ministries. Any extravagant gifts made would support all of our ministries. If you’d like to make an extravagant pledge or gift, please contact Mary Wilson at 812-332-6396.