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this Sunday:
9:30 am Classic Worship
While we often call this story the parable of the lost sheep, one commentator suggests calling this the parable of the found instead of the lost sheep because this search continues until the final finding. The Good Shepherd doesn’t stop, doesn’t tire of noticing the missing. Have you found your voice? Have you found your freedom? Have you found your anger? Have you found your joy? Maybe none of us are found until all of us are found. Whose voices have you not yet noticed? Which ones are missing, unread, unpreached, unheard? What search parties have you joined? What joy it is to bear witness to the deep calling of finding all voices and valuing all people.
11:45 am Common Ground
Common Ground is an inclusive contemporary worship experience encouraging all to take the next step in faith and justice. All Common Ground activities will take place on Sundays at 11:45 in the Sanctuary. On Worship Sundays, we’ll experience upbeat contemporary music, Scripture lessons, and a message that speaks to faith in action.