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The Social Justice Team explores the intersection of faith and justice in our world today. Topics for study and action include: creation care, immigration, homelessness, affordable housing, mental health, food insecurity, criminal justice reform, LGBTQIA+ inclusion, legislative advocacy, and more. If you have questions, please contact Gail Merrill at or Sharon Baker at


The Importance of Social Justice

From The United Methodist Church Book of Discipline:

“The United Methodist Church has a long history of concern for social justice. Its members have often taken forthright positions on controversial issues involving Christian principles. Early Methodists expressed their opposition to the slave trade, to smuggling, and to the cruel treatment of prisoners.”

In this spirit, First United Methodist Church in Bloomington is committed to furthering the work of bringing about justice here and now. Below you’ll find some ways we are engaged in that work.


Click here to view upcoming justice events.


March 30th - Rosalind Mark on Racism in Healthcare

Join us at our Common Ground worship service at 11:45 on Sunday, March 30th to hear Rosalind Mark share with us about racism in healthcare. Then, after service, we’ll have pizza together in the Great Hall.

March 30th - Day of Service

Join us at 1:30pm on Sunday, March 30th for a day of service around the church. We’ll have both indoor and outdoor projects for all ability levels. Hope to see you there!

April 27th - Festival of God’s Creation

Save the date for the afternoon of Sunday, April 27th for a time of celebration of God’s creation!


Click here to view ways to take action for justice this week.

UMC Church & Society’s Take Action Center

Visit the United Methodist Church Board of Church & Society Advocacy page to learn more about our legislative priorities and reach out to your member of Congress. Follow the “Take Action” link at the bottom of the page to act on topics such as: prioritizing grace over greed, civil and human rights, and more.

5 Calls Website & App

You can use 5 Calls (webpage or app) to track issues and easily contact your representatives. It even includes scripts and makes contact your representatives as easy as can be.

Indiana State Legislature and Bills

Find Your IN State Representatives:

Pending Legislation You Can Call About:

HB1041 Ban on Transgender Athletes in Higher Education

Prohibits a male, based on the student's biological sex at birth in accordance with the student's genetics and reproductive biology, from participating on an athletic team or sport designated as being a female, women's, or girls' athletic team or sport. 

HB1393 Immigration Notice

Provides that, in the event that a law enforcement officer arrests an individual for a felony or a misdemeanor and has probable cause to believe that the individual is not lawfully present in the United States, the officer's law enforcement agency shall notify the county sheriff of the probable cause during the individual's intake process.

SB523 School Chaplains 

Allows a principal or superintendent of a public school, including a charter school, to employ, or approve as a volunteer, a school chaplain if certain requirements are met. No training in counseling youth required.

SB289 Prohibits use of DEI 

Establishes prohibitions and requirements on state agencies, state educational institutions, and health profession licensing boards regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Podcast: Justice Takes Courage Episode 1: U.S. Immigration

The Board of Church and Society has launched a new podcast with host General Secretary Bishop Julius C. Trimble. Through the lens of the United Methodist Social Principles, the Justice Takes Courage podcast explores national and international social witness issues and actions in response to today’s most pressing social concerns. Each month a variety of United Methodists and interfaith partners join host Bishop Julius C. Trimble, General Secretary of The General Board of Church and Society to share ideas and perspectives that advance action for U.S. legislative faith-based advocacy and international social justice priorities. You can listen to the first episode here.

LGBTQ+ Education Resources

Click here to discover ways you can affirm the LGBTQ+ community!


The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is the largest suicide prevention and crisis support organization providing 24-7 life saving programs designed to meet the unique needs of all LGBTQIA+ youth. The project provides advocacy, peer support, research, and public education and awareness services.

Their website is a great resource for LGBTQIA+ education, both for allies and for those who identify as members of the community. Learn about sexual orientation, gender identity, mental health, and so much more. If you feel called to support the life-saving work that The Trevor Project is doing for LGBTQIA+ youth, click the link below.

What does TRANSGENDER mean?

  • Transgender, at its most basic level, is a word that applies to someone who doesn’t fit within society’s standards of how a woman or a man is supposed to look or act.

  • This person may transition into expressing their gender differently, e.g. living as a man instead of a woman, or may feel like they don’t fit within society’s standards of how women and men are supposed to look and act (gender non-conforming).

  • Transgender is a relatively new word, but it’s not a new concept. Gender non-conforming people have existed in many time periods and cultures.

  • Some transgender people have surgeries, or take hormones, to bring their body into alignment with their gender identity. But, many do not and that doesn’t mean they’re not transgender. A transgender identity is not dependent upon medical procedures.

  • Wait to see how someone self-identifies (or ask, respectfully) before assuming!

Pronouns: Ask, Don’t Assume!

Gender identity is our internal, individual experience of gender. It is directly linked to our sense of self and the sense of being male, female, both or neither.

Pronouns are pivotal to an individual’s gender identity and how they relate to the world and others. If you assume someone’s pronouns, they could feel invalidated. That’s why we encourage you to ask, don’t assume!

Asking people about their pronouns sets a tone of respect and helps to create an affirming environment! Here are a few ways you can be more inclusive and affirming when it comes to pronouns:

  • Share your pronouns when introducing yourself. For example: “My name is Patrick and I use they/them pronouns.”

  • Include your pronouns in your email signature, on name tags at events, in your zoom name, and on your social media bio.

  • When addressing groups of people or people whose pronouns have not been shared with you, use gender neutral language such as “elle” instead of “el” or “ella,” “siblings,” “students,” “all” or “folks” rather than “brothers and sisters,” “guys,” “sir,” etc…

What Does LGBTQ Mean?

LESBIAN - A woman whose enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction is to other women. Some lesbians may prefer to identify as gay or as gay women.

GAY - The adjective used to describe people whose enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attractions are to people of the same sex. Sometimes lesbian is the preferred term for women.

BISEXUAL - A person who has the capacity to form enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attractions to those of the same gender or to those of another gender. People may experience this attraction in differing ways and degrees over their lifetime. Bisexual people need not have had specific sexual experiences to be bisexual; in fact, they need not have had any sexual experience at all to identify as bisexual.

TRANSGENDER - An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from what is typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. People under the transgender umbrella may describe themselves using one or more of a wide variety of terms— including transgender. Many transgender people are prescribed hormones by their doctors to bring their bodies into alignment with their gender identity. Some undergo surgery as well. But not all transgender people can or will take those steps, and a transgender identity is not dependent upon physical appearance or medical procedures.

QUEER - An adjective used by some people whose sexual orientation is not exclusively heterosexual. Typically, for those who identify as queer, the terms lesbian, gay, and bisexual are perceived to be too limiting and/or fraught with cultural connotations they feel don’t apply to them. Some people may use queer, or genderqueer, to describe their gender identity and/or gender expression. Once considered a pejorative term, queer has been reclaimed by some LGBTQ people to describe themselves; however, it is not a universally accepted term even within the LGBTQ community.

QUESTIONING - Sometimes, when the Q is seen at the end of LGBT, it can also mean questioning. This term describes someone who is questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity.


Creation care education

Click here to learn ways to care for God's creation.

Creation Justice Tips - April 2025

Remember that our creation justice work of restoration, regeneration, and renewal grows from God’s gift of the Resurrection, the Easter-faith that sustains us in our lives and our calling to love both Creator and Creation.
“Our Power, Our Planet,” the theme of Earth Day 2025, invites everyone around the globe to unite behind renewable energy. The gifts of God—sun, wind, oceans, and land—are there for us and with us. Using them rather than continuing with fossil fuels will save our planet. Join with others and use your power—your voice, your actions, your advocacy—to love Earth.

Take 10 minutes to watch Chasing Arrows: The Truth About RecyclingThe “arrows” are the recycle sign—often a source of great confusion. Discover the truth about recycling. What is really recyclable. What happens after it’s collected. What solutions we need to pursue. With this knowledge, you’ll be better able to love Earth every time you recycle.

When trees live, they absorb carbon dioxide (as a “carbon sink”) and produce life-giving oxygen. But when trees burn, they release CO2 into the atmosphere, adding greenhouse gases that negatively affect our climate. Wildfires devastate land, habitats, and homes. As an expression of your love for Earth, wholeheartedly support organizations that replant trees after wildfires.

Go local. Connect with neighbors and community organizations to understand the environmental challenges and opportunities specific to your area. Then use your united people power to have a heart to heart with local officials to get the change that’s needed. Show your love for Earth.

Buy community renewables. Not every home, business, or development can go all solar or put up a wind farm, but more utilities and private companies are offering power from shared renewables for a buy-in. Lower your monthly electricity costs, support the expansion of clean energy sources, and show some love from your heart to Earth.
Follow your heart and invest in the future. Choose what you can: solar and wind, energy-efficient appliances, hybrid or electric vehicles, voting for electric public transit, quality and long-lasting fashion made of natural textiles, insurance and banks that do not support fossil fuels. Let God use your financial resources, your love, and your power to aid the healing of Earth and the righting of injustices.

One youth celebrated his birthday with a litter pick-up party for his “adopted” street. The friends snagged the trash, bagged it, weighed it, photographed it, and spread the story to encourage and challenge others to do better about caring for our home. Cake, music, and fun followed—a joyous celebration of one person with a heart of gold, showing how to love Earth.

Take heart this Earth Day—our Creator God has gifted us with an amazing planet, complete with renewable sources of the power that will help all people have access to better health and enough of what is needed. Uniting and raising our voices, we can bring about that vision and show hearts filled with love for Earth.
Green up your closet. Purchase items from brands that make sustainable clothing. Visit local thrift or consignment shops, which often offer unique, gently worn, or even new garments at a lower price than retail. Donate clothes that no longer fit or send your worn-out textiles to ReTold. You’ll love the new you and you’ll be loving Earth too.

More Resources & Reading:


anti-racism education

Click here to drop down anti-racism resources.

UMC General Commission on Religion and Race

The United Methodist Church General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR) exists to “challenge, lead, and equip the people of The UMC to become interculturally competent, ensure institutional equity and facilitate vital conversations about religion, race, and culture.” You can visit their webpage to learn more and find anti-racism resources.

Additionally, if you are interested in participating in or leading a book study, you can click here to access GCORR’s series of book studies.

A Prayer for Anti-Racism

Healing God, we bring to you our prayers for all people who have left their homelands. For refugees and stateless people; for migrants who want to restart their life in a new land; and for people who have been dispossessed of their homelands that were part of their heritage. We pray for all people who yearn to return to their former homelands but are prevented from that by hostile or indifferent powers or changed circumstances. We pray for people whose traditions, religious and social cultures have been, or are being, destroyed by thoughtless authorities. We pray for people who have no understanding or the necessary language of their new surroundings; for asylum seekers who know that they are not always welcome in their new situation, and who receive little encouragement. Welcoming God, we pray that you will be a new home - an eternal home - for all these troubled people that offers them hospitality and comfort; and teach us your own welcoming ways, so that we can all sing the songs of the Lord with sensitivity and heartfelt thanks. Amen.

Excerpted from "Prayers of Lament and Petition," in "The Timeless Psalms’" RCL Psalms Year C." © 2013 Joan Stott .Used with permission.

support bloomington organizations

Hoosier Hills Food Bank

2333 W Industrial Park Dr // (812) 334-8374

Agency food pick-up hours are Monday 9:30am-4:30pm, Tuesday & Wednesday 9:30-12:30, and Thursday 9:30-3. Friday food pickups by appointment.

First Methodist’s Food Pantry

219 E 4th Street // (812) 332-6396

Food packages available for pick-up Wednesdays 3:30-5:30pm.

Bloomington Township Food Pantry

2111 Vernal Pike // (812) 336-4976

Food pantry orders can be scheduled for pick up on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Mother Hubbard's Cupboard

1100 W. Allen Street // 812-355-6843

MHC's current hours are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 12-2pm and 4-6pm. Pre-packaged grocery boxes are available outside in the truck bay.

Bloomington Housing Authority

1007 N. Summitt Street // 812-339-3491

Provides veterans affairs supportive housing, housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) rental assistance for homeless veterans. Combines rental assistance with case management and clinical services provided by the VA. The VA provides these services for participating Veterans at VA medical centers (VAMCs) and community-based outreach clinics.

A Friend's Place Overnight Shelter

919 S. Rogers Street // 812-332-1444

Middle Way House


Services: 24 hour Crisis hotline, Emergency Shelter for those fleeing violence at home and victims of human trafficking; Legal Advocacy-For victims of sexual assault, stalking, domestic violence, child abuse, harassment, financial coercion, or of other related crimes. Transition Housing to help low-income adults recovering from the impacts of domestic violence, to secure permanent, safe and affordable housing; achieve economic security; and develop their capacities for self-determination.

Crawford Homes

2440 S Henderson Street // 812-822-3748

Permanent housing and supportive services for individuals, couples, and families experiencing long-term homelessness due to a disability. The Crawford Homes program is part of a national campaign to eliminate homelessness for those who suffer with the greatest needs and struggles.

Stepping Stones


Transitional housing and supportive services to youth 16-20 years old who are experiencing homelessness that includes: Transitional Housing, Independent Living , Essential skills to achieve a successful transition into adulthood and become self-sufficient. Educational Assistance, Job Coaching, Financial Counseling, Health & Wellness, Health Care, and Recreational activities Alternatives & Awareness (AA)-Educates youth on the negative effects of drug use and gives them healthy alternatives.

New Hope Family Shelter, Inc.

301 W. 2nd Street // 812-334-9840

Emergency shelter for families of all genders, legal guardians with current physical custody/guardianship of all gender/aged children. Shelter services: case management, life skills training, advocacy, Strategies for Family Coping Resources, tutoring for homeless students, job coaching and mentoring programming for adults and children. Emergency services include drop in day shelter for parents with children and unaccompanied youth: food pantry, daily use items (such as toiletries), laundry, computer/phone access, job search assistance, guidance area resources, street outreach program, early childhood day care provided to at risk and homeless children at The Nest at New Hope (infant - kindergarten). LGBTQ homeless services.

Wheeler Mission Street Center for Men

215 S. Westplex Avenue // 812-333-1905

Services/Programs: Emergency Services: Shelter to homeless and/or disadvantaged men, meals, hygiene, chapel services, case management, medical, dental, podiatric and vision services are also available; Residential Programs Long-term programs designed to address the specific issues that contribute to life instability and homelessness; Addiction Recovery.