Classic Worship is our traditional hybrid (in-person and live-streamed) service in our historic Sanctuary. Enjoy stirring organ music and the angelic voices of our Chancel Choir!
We’re thrilled to offer a Discipleship Hour with opportunities to grow in faith for all ages and stages in their journey! See our Sunday School options for adults, children, and youth here.
Common Ground is an inclusive contemporary service encouraging all to take the next step in faith and justice. All Common Ground services will take place on Sundays at 11:45. We praise with upbeat contemporary music, Scripture lessons, and a message that speaks to faith in action. We also engage in community building activities, creative arts, advocacy/justice education, and service projects. Take a look at the Common Ground webpage to see what’s coming up!
What’s it like to worship at first methodist?
Open to all
Safe place to grow
Servant community
Worship opportunities at First Methodist are strong and rich with outstanding music, scripture, prayer, and preaching that strive to be both faithful to the gospel and engaging to the contemporary mind. We are Christ-centered, open to all, a safe place to grow, and a servant community. We encourage you to come as you are and take the next step on your faith journey, no matter where you’re starting from!
Why discipleship?
First Methodist’s Discipleship Pathway is a tool that connects us in community through God's abundant love to transform lives and the world by serving and growing together. Our virtual Discipleship Pathway is interactive, so we hope you will click through its various pieces to discover the many ways you can move through your faith and discipleship journey.
We want to encourage you and your family to take one more step to grow in love for God and your neighbor. Followers of Jesus mature by worshiping and learning together in an intergenerational community. We strive to offer high-quality, Christ-centered learning experiences that help people understand Scripture, faith, and their lives as they nurture supportive relationships with each other.
Serving God, Saving the Planet
Join leaders in the church who will share about their work and passion to care for God’s Creation, while also challenging us to more faithful stewardship in our care for the environment.
Praying [In] Between Times
In these liminal and uncertain times, join us for an experiential class deeply grounded in prayer practices. Suggested donation of $5 for a color copy of the Lenten guides.
Wesley Conventicle
This adult small group discusses a variety of faith & justice issues. Right now the group is studying Christian Nationalism. Note: This class will not meet on Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday.
This is a hybrid class, so contact Ed Stephenson for the Zoom link or any questions at stephene@indiana.edu! You can also join Wesley Conventicle in-person at 10:45am Sundays at First Methodist!
Multilingual Praise & Prayer
Join us every 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sunday of the month in the Great Hall for praise and prayer in multiple languages. Everyone is welcome to participate and share songs!
U.S. Life 101
Are you new to living in the U.S.? So are many of us! Every 2nd Sunday, we gather to talk about navigating everyday life in Indiana, from learning how to use the bus system, food shopping, finding local events, and more.