Easter Sunday, April 17 | 11:00am | Sanctuary
Classic Worship is a traditional in-person service in our historic Sanctuary. This service will begin at 11:00am on Easter Sunday, April 17. This 11:00am service will not be live-streamed.
Last year, the Schubert-Nowling family was obsessed with the swarms of Brood X cicadas that droned like jet engines and cast their shells everywhere. The empty tomb of Jesus is like the cicada shell with the slit down its back. The living being that had once been inside is gone. The Risen Jesus has outgrown his tomb. He’s among the living, with people to see and things to do. He appears four more times in John’s Gospel, each time helping people to have real-life encounters with their Risen Savior. Each time we encounter him, we become wiser, kinder, and more daring, and hopefully, more like him.