First United Methodist Church opened its doors at its present site in downtown Bloomington more than a century ago. Featuring Romanesque gothic architecture, beautiful stained glass windows, and a specially designed, state-of-the art pipe organ, First United Methodist Church was quickly dubbed “the Cathedral of Indiana Methodism.” Tragically destroyed by fire a few years later, the building, windows, and organ were replaced in 1938.

Generations later, the organ continues to be the central musical instrument of First United Methodist Church’s music ministry. Our pipe organ and the accomplished musicians it has attracted to our church is one of the main reasons First United Methodist Church is regarded as one of the finest music ministries in Indiana. The power and beauty of our organ raises our spirits, lifts our minds and hearts, and inspires our lives. It moves us to tears, consoles our grief, enhances our joy, and stirs our imagination. Whether it is the first chords and trumpets that announce Easter and proclaim “Christ Is Risen,” the strains of Handel's Messiah during Advent and Christmas, or the gentle, melodic call of the Spirit each Sunday morning, the organ is an essential part of our traditions, memories, worship, and community. The impact of a windblown pipe organ leading the breath of the human voice in song cannot be appreciated until it is missing. Sadly, if something is not done, both First United Methodist Church and the city of Bloomington will lose this beautiful instrument.

First United Methodist Church has committed to a complete and comprehensive restoration of our beloved organ. Thankfully, most of our pipes do not need to be replaced, but the rest of the organ needs significant restoration and updating to avoid catastrophic failures. Reynolds and Associates, Inc., an experienced organ company based in Indiana, has been hired to oversee this restoration. When the restoration is complete, our organ will be ready for the next 50 years with very little need for anything more than regular tune ups. The restoration will include:

  • Replacing the already failed and failing console and related wiring

  • Rebuilding and reorganizing the organ chambers including replacing the peeling plaster walls with drywall

  • Adding a zoned heating and cooling system in the organ chamber which will improve both sound and instrument longevity

  • Repairing and replacing rotting and disintegrating wires, stops, and pistons

  • Replace the failing wind chests with simpler, easier to maintain, and higher quality components

  • Cleaning, re-scaling, re-voicing, re-regulating, and repositioning the pipes to maximize sound quality while minimizing future maintenance.

The cost of this restoration, including the drywall and zoned HVAC, is estimated to be approximately $1,000,000. By completing the entire restoration at one time we will also save hundreds of thousands of dollars in incremental repairs, replacements, and maintenance. But more importantly, First United Methodist Church and the entire community will once again have a reliable instrument to lead our worship and enhance our music ministry for our church and the community. Want to help? In January 2024, a capital campaign will be launched where the congregation will be invited to give. If you would like to begin giving now, simply give to First United Methodist Church and mark your gift for the organ. Together, we can restore our organ and thereby an important part of our music ministry for generations to come!